All rooms

  1. Bolsa de trabajo

    4 users online

    Ofertas laborales, changas y laburos relevantes para la comunidad del Departamento de Computación de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    • Primary language: Spanish
  2. Homeland MUC v5 (main)

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English

    4 users online

  4. Not Safe For Weebz

    4 users online

    Networking, Software, Firmware, Web yeah, right 45 not 42

  5. 性爱讨论室

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  6. yaxim - мобильный XMPP-клиент

    4 users online

    Русскоязычный форум по клиенту

    • Primary language: Russian
  7. Delta Chat ES

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  8. Rubberfurs

    4 users online

    A friendly open chatroom for Rubberfurs, Ponies and all other open and playful people to have a nice time

  9. Umbrellix XMPP Dissent Intolerant MUC

    4 users online

    General chat MUC for the Umbrellix XMPP service and affiliated services (IRC, Wiki), as well as for just talking about strange subjects

    • Primary language: English
  10. postmarketos

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  11. 音乐鉴赏交流群

    4 users online

    • Primary language: Spanish
  12. Chat StuRa HTW Dresden

    4 users online

    Chat des StuRa HTW Dresden

  13. Cyberdelia

    4 users online services status notifications, bridged with

    • Primary language: English
  14. Runtu

    4 users online

    Конференция проекта

  15. OpenStreetMap (bridged)

    4 users online | Unofficial space to discuss OpenStreetMap in general | Forum: Bridged to MUC IRC: Freenode #osm Libera #openstreetmap OFTC ##osm New members may be voiced after a few hours, please be patient.

    • Primary language: English
  16. Suomi

    4 users online

    • Primary language: Finnish
  17. fytest

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  18. grapheneos

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
