
Network statistics

Metric Value Notes
Channels 24353 Total number of channels contained in the database.
Total users 33802 Total number of users in all MUCs. Since we do not (and can not) track the real identities of users, this most certainly includes duplicates.
Domains 1375 Number of domains known; this includes non-MUC service domains and usually a single XMPP service has multiple domains (e.g. a base domain and a MUC service domain).

Software statistics

Software name Absolute occurences Relative occurences
Prosody 176 58%
ejabberd 76 25%
Spectrum 23 8%
biboumi 10 3%
Multi User Chat 4 1%
Other (less than 3 instances) 17 6%
Unknown (no version info available) 1069

Service statistics

Service type Instances
User Server
Normal user accounts, like you and me
Group Chat Server
Private groups and public channels, as listed by this service
IRC Gateway
Access to IRC networks via Jabber
File Storage / Upload Service
File storage for use with Jabber (e.g. HTTP Upload)
Publish-Subscribe Service
Distribute data in a publish-subscribe manner; e.g. news, weather alerts, etc.