All rooms

  1. Celulares libres

    49 users online

    Espacio para compartir información y experiencias sobre el uso de celulares degoogleados

  2. XMPP User Support

    46 users online

    Get help about your XMPP/Jabber app here :)

    • Primary language: English
  3. mlm-时政新闻/资料图书/理论宣传

    46 users online


    • Primary language: Chinese
  4. mlm-学习聊天

    45 users online


    • Primary language: Chinese
  5. Club De Software Libre

    45 users online

    Un lugar donde vivimos la experiencia del Software Libre no sólo como código, sino como estilo de vida.

    • Primary language: Spanish
    • Non-pseudonymous
  6. usuarios-gnu

    44 users online

    Falantes das variantes do português, espanhol e idiomas latinoamericanos, ativistas do movimento e usuários de software livre listado no [Free Software Directory]( ) ou presente em distribuições de sistemas em conformidade com a GNU [FSDG](

    • Primary language: Portuguese
  7. Retrocomputing 🇺🇸🇬🇧

    43 users online

    • Primary language: English
  8. Revuo Monero

    43 users online

    • Primary language: English
  9. Hack the Planet

    43 users online

    • Primary language: English
  10. Redes Libres Sala para hablar de cualquier tema relacionado con las Redes Libres

    43 users online

    Hay otras redes, pero son libres: GNU Social, Diaspora, Mastodon, Pleroma, Ver y

    • Primary language: Spanish
  11. Lost in CyberSpace

    42 users online

    Cyberdelia's directions to decentralize the internerdz [EN/ES] - Mostly OOT

    • Primary language: English
  12. xmpp马列毛革命聊天室

    42 users online


    • Primary language: Chinese
  13. General chat @

    41 users online

    • Primary language: English
  14. Fediverso

    41 users online

    Tema: Fediverso e Informática en general

    • Primary language: Spanish
  15. Weightlifting

    41 users online

    General talk and feeds about weightlifting and heavyletics

  16. Software Libre Hispanohablantes

    41 users online

    Grupo sobre software libre

    • Primary language: Spanish
  17. OffTopic MUC

    41 users online

    Fußball ist hier definitiv OffTopic!!!1elf11!

    • Primary language: German
  18. XMPP Council

    40 users online

    Room where the XSF XMPP Council holds its meetings

    • Primary language: English
