All rooms

  1. Memes

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  2. OpenStreetMap (bridged)

    4 users online | Unofficial space to discuss OpenStreetMap in general | Forum: Bridged to MUC IRC: Freenode #osm Libera #openstreetmap OFTC ##osm New members may be voiced after a few hours, please be patient.

    • Primary language: English
  3. dresdendrones

    4 users online

    Quadcopters, FPV and other RC in/around Dresden

  4. LPIC

    4 users online

    LPI Chat

    • Primary language: English
    • Non-pseudonymous
  5. Bitcoin como moneda oficial en El Salvador: Segregación 4.0

    4 users online

    Bitcoin como moneda oficial en El Salvador: Segregación 4.0

    • Primary language: Spanish
  6. Linux User Group

    4 users online

    Российское сообщество пользователей Linux

  7. DLUG

    4 users online

    Düsseldorfer Linux User Group

    • Primary language: German
  8. Киевская Русь

    4 users online

    Киевская Русь

  9. Осознач

    4 users online

    We were never here

  10. lounge

    4 users online

    • Primary language: Portuguese
  11. MMO Hangout

    4 users online

    A place to hangout for people who like MMOs

    • Primary language: English
  12. avawozuk

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  13. help

    4 users online

    help with

  14. Suporte

    4 users online

    • Primary language: Portuguese
  15. oldroom

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  16. Kaidan (Deutsch)

    4 users online

    • Primary language: German
  17. Formula 1 en español

    4 users online

    ¡Ya queda menos! Hablaremos de cualquier tema relacionado con la Formula 1, Grandes Premios, equipos; con un seguimiento especial a nuestros pilotos Checo, Carlos y Fernando. Si queda tiempo cualquier tema del motor de 4 ruedas es aceptable.

    • Primary language: Spanish
  18. Дао (2007)

    4 users online

    Столовка для духовно нашедших!

  19. Pen F(r)iends on XMPP

    4 users online

    XMPP analog of ##penfiends@freenode: When I have a little money, I buy ink. If any is left, I buy food and clothes.

    • Primary language: English
