All channels

  1. Boot ROMs and Sectors

    4 users online

    For sharing and developing raw binary bootsectors and ROMs. All architectures welcome. Nothing offtopic, no spam please. Demos, questions and pictures only.

  2. Lobby for Russian

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  3. Memes

    4 users online

    • Primary language: English
  4. MMO Hangout

    3 users online

    A place to hangout for people who like MMOs

    • Primary language: English
  5. Physiker Talk

    3 users online

    • Primary language: German
  6. 工作文件群

    3 users online

    • Primary language: English
  7. rorowole

    3 users online

    • Primary language: English
  8. Juntadas Cybercirujas

    3 users online

    pa organizar juntadas de reparación y eventos no tan manijas de joda loca

    • Primary language: Spanish
  9. wtfipfs bot suchat

    3 users online

    • Primary language: Mandarin Chinese
  10. owatame

    3 users online

    • Primary language: English
  11. bepekas

    3 users online

    • Primary language: English
  12. Contra Versão

    3 users online

    • Primary language: English
  13. Regional

    3 users online

    • Primary language: English
  14. Frontend web design & development

    3 users online

    New members will be voiced after a few hours, please be patient. Bridged to Html, css, javascript, scss, sass, php, react, vue js, svelte, ui, ux, responsive apps, mobile, desktop, mysql, database, figma, front-end, back-end, design, ss, sass, HTML5, DOM, ES6, PWA, design, Angular, VanillaJS, Bootstrap, framework, jQuery, EcmaScript, JSX, JsDOC, Svelte, npm, nmpjs, yarn, JSON, eslint, jslint, xml, ARIA, color theory, mithril, inferno, preact, solid, webpack, browserify. Rules:

    • Primary language: English