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Bitcoin como moneda oficial en El Salvador: Segregación 4.0
sekretariat d/s bieżacych
Mikaela.info & associated projects/activities | Chat CoC & info: https://mikaela.info/discuss | Note the public log at https://view.matrix.org/room/!ZFnQcqwxcebAepncKr:feneas.org/
A place where sellers and buyers can come together to do business
IPN UPIITA Circuitos Electricos Avanzados
See https://fltk.org/newsgroups.php for official support, bridged to https://matrix.to/#/#fltk:matrix.org #fltk on OFTC and fltklib/fltk on Gitter, unofficial room. New members will be voiced after a few hours, please be patient.
Von privat an privat. Illegaler Kram wird gelöscht.
Киевская Русь
О годном в инете. Русскоязычный чат
LPI Chat
Unofficial channel for discussing the Yggdrasil network