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Welcome to #funderscore! Please read https://moin.vitali64.duckdns.org/IRC. Be respectful to each other, no politics (free Palestine btw), please keep the channel child-friendly and suited for work, attack ideas not people etc.. Have lots of fun!
XMPP analog of ##penfiends@freenode: When I have a little money, I buy ink. If any is left, I buy food and clothes.
Development discussion of aioxmpp
only saying duck/🦆/quack allowed, anything else will earn you an immediate ban
brainstorming about easily hosting an XMPP server by installing an app
Fallback for anime@conference.nakanai.de
WhatsApp - XMPP transport
Чат о свободном и открытом ПО.
https://404.city/ Late Night Chat -|- We welcome new members!
Российское сообщество пользователей Linux
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A room for dicussing about anything related to studying in the domain of Computer Science
中文 rss chinese
PyTouhou room and Touhou in general