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  1. Hamburger Jabber Treffen

    5 users online

    Hamburger Jabber Treffen (nächster Termin 6.9.18 19:00 in Altona)

  2. Half-Life - gaming, development, Gold$ource modding!

    5 users onlineрдач, всё об игре и её внутренностях. Разработка модов, администрирование и просто обсуждение игры. HL internals, modding, admining and related talks.

  3. Indians Abroad

    5 users online

    A casual chat room for Indians living/working/studying abroad. Please consider putting your location next to your nick e.g. Rohit [USA]

    • Primary language: English
  4. Edward Teach

    5 users online

    We love the high seas.

    • Primary language: English
  5. Puns & Silly Jokes

    5 users online

    This room is for silly/'dad' jokes. Punderful to plunder!

    • Primary language: English
  6. OPSEC

    5 users online

    Não ao estado socialista de direito.

    • Primary language: Portuguese
  7. Lunduke Locals

    5 users online

    General geeky chit chat - Clean language, avoid politics please.

    • Primary language: English
  8. mastodon

    5 users online

    • Primary language: Spanish
  9. XMPP and Free Speech

    5 users online

    XMPP and Free Speech is for the discussion of free speech issues related to XMPP servers. People of all political persuasions are welcome. Both technical and cultural/political discussion is welcome. Please be polite and kind at all times, even if others are not. Rude behavior, threats (including legal threats), and other misbehavior may result in muting or banning. This is a public list that might be publicly archived, so please be cautious about saying anything that might get you in trouble with your local government or employer.

  10. comunidad de ReciclajeTech

    5 users online

    Una comunidad enfocada en tratar hardware obsoleto , principalmente netbooks,pc's , computadoras en general

    • Primary language: Spanish
  11. THRIVE Community Group

    5 users online

    For high-demand religion survivors and/or anyone who has faced or is facing a faith crisis.

    • Primary language: English

    5 users online

    • Primary language: English
  13. SysAdmin Україна

    5 users online

    SysAdmin, SRE, DevOps, SysOps українською мовою.

  14. #funderscore xmpp edition

    5 users online

    Welcome to #funderscore! Please read Be respectful to each other, no politics (free Palestine btw), please keep the channel child-friendly and suited for work, attack ideas not people etc.. Have lots of fun!

  15. portugal

    5 users online

    • Primary language: English
  16. grapheneos

    5 users online

    • Primary language: English
  17. Rubberfurs

    5 users online

    A friendly open chatroom for Rubberfurs, Ponies and all other open and playful people to have a nice time