21 users online
Discussion room for the XSF Editor Team
Échanges pour les personnes souhaitant faire progresser la prise en charge de XMPP dans yunohost. Suivi du Forum : https://forum.yunohost.org/search?q=xmpp%20order%3Alatest
20 users online
Soporte y amigas de tomatuordenador.net
The channel to talk about natural sciences.
Dark web chat.
Sala publica de soporte mutuo entre usuarios
Dedicated to LGBTQIA+ and allies. Tags: lesbian gay transgender sexuality identity gender queer lgbt systemic discrimination humanrights
Tails development
Benvenuti nella chat dedicata ai gamer! Qui potrete discutere di tutti i vostri giochi preferiti, che siano da tavolo, di ruolo o videogiochi.
Deutschsprachiger Debian XMPP Gruppenchat - https://wiki.debian.org/de/Community/XMPPDebianUserGerman - Verhaltenskodex: https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct - Gruppenchat um Entwicklung und Benutzung von Debian zu fördern - Vom Thema abweichende Diskussionen sind nicht erwünscht.
19 users online
Talk technology and obscure media. NO NSFW! NO OFF TOPIC POLITICS!
Discussion venue for the Special Interest Group (SIG) within the XSF devoted to the development of end-to-end encryption within the context of XMPP.
Reserve room of ru@c.cpunks.moe
Messages techniques à propos de Khaganat